LGEMA AGM and Planning Law Workshop 7th November


LGEMA will be holding its AGM on Sunday 7th November 2021 at Tompkins Park Melville.

Members should RSVP to lgema@iinet.net.au
The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded here (165Kb pdf)

Planning Workshop

LGEMA will also be holding a Planning and Development Law Workshop after the AGM.
Entrance is free to LGEMA members.

The agenda for the workshop can be downloaded here (405Kb pdf)


9:30 am Registration, networking, morning tea
10.00 am Annual General Meeting
10.30 am Elected Members Checklist (especially for EMs new to Council) Lorna Buchan
11.00 am Introduction to Planning and Development Framework Sandra Boulter
12.00 pm Lunch
1.00 pm Planning and Development, Conflicts of Interest Keri Shannon
2.00pm Planning and Development Decision Making Michael Hardy LLB
3.00 pm Debrief and Networking Tompkins Bar


Cost: $25 lunch, morning tea- gluten free (request with RVSP)

LGEMA BSB: 302 162 Account: 1561148
Information: Sandra Boulter 0427 508 582 – LGEMA Facebook – Website www.lgema.org