See here for the difference between law and policy.
Department of Local Government Sport & Cultural Industry (DLGSC) Policies
DLGSC 39 Local Government Policies seeKey words: “open space” – “CEO appointment” – “Dogs” –“ burials” –“land valuations” – “council motion clarity” – “council forums” – “declaring interest” –“delegation” – “ financial interest” –“ disruptive behaviour” – “elected member induction” –“ elected members and developers” –“ financial ratios” –“ guide to planning” –“ changing boundaries” –“ lawyers / legal advice for elected members” – “ local laws” –“public question time” – “net current assets” –“ differential rates” –“ rating policies” –“ credit cards” –“ grants commission”
Inspection of records and access to documents relating to guidance to the legislative and operational requirements associated with the inspection of and access to documents relating to licensed premises that are held by the licensing authority see here.
Local Policies
Payments to employees in addition to contract or award A local government is to prepare a policy, which complies with the s5.50 requirements in relation to employees whose employment with the local government is finishing: s5.50 Local Government Act 1995.