LGEMA Workshop
“What I Wish I Knew When I Became an Elected Member” Attendance by invitation only

Date: Sunday 27 June 2021
Time: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Place: Tompkins Park, 642 Canning Highway, Alfred Cove, WA (Function Room)
RSVP: required to lgema@iinet.net.au
Entry: LGEMA Members – Free
Entry: Non-Members – by donation
Costs: Lunch and afternoon tea $20
LGEMA Bank Details: BSB 302-162, ACC 156 11 48
Program:Click here for the flyer
Donor Support: City of Melville, through Mayor George Gear
- Anyone who is thinking of standing for Council – this is for you
- Anyone who has been an Elected Member, you can contribute through your insights
- Anyone who is an Elected Member, you can contribute by sharing your insights and you might also learn some things your training has not covered
- And of course, LGEMA members can hardly stop talking and sharing stories when they get together
- Support LGEMA by bringing along new members and join us for our next LGEMA get together.