Elected Member Mandatory Training


LGEMA cannot provide mandatory Elected Member Training.

Only three entities are authorised training providers by Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Regulation 35.

In 2023,

  • South Metro Tafe: on-line course taking 3-4 hours for $250
  • North Metro Tafe: : face to face workshops consecutively or non-consecutively for $2,500
  • WALGA: face to face over 5 days for ~$2,455, or online for ~$1,190 face to face workshops consecutively or non-consecutively for $2,500.


Email the LG Minister Hannah.Beazley@mp.wa.gov.au to request that LGEMA be an authorised Elected Member training provider.


Congratulations to Council of City of Rockingham


The Council of the City of Rockingham has adopted Council Policy, which recognises the importance of LGEMA to Elected Members supporting Local Government good governance, by including payment of LGEMA membership fees through Council’s Professional Development Policy.


LGEMA Annual General Meeting 2023


Date: 5 November 2023
Venue: Secret Harbour Surf Life Saving Club
Secret Harbour Blvd, Secret Harbour WA 6173

Questions: Ring secretary Sandra Boulter on 0427 508 582
RSVP: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1133389

11am: LGEMA Committee meeting, for LGEMA committee members only
12 midday Registration and Lunch
1pm AGM, for current LGEMA members only
2pm LGEMA Local Government Law Reform Position and Q&A
For current LGEMA members only and invited guests.

To download  the full Agenda please click here

Local Government Elections Forum


Sunday 30th April 2023

When: 12 Noon 4pm Sunday 30 April 2023
Where: Peppermint Grove Library

Forum Cost: Free for members, donations welcome

Guests: Members can invite potential candidates as guests

Photo: Professional photographer for Candidate headshots

Lunch: Catering Costs $25 for each member, each guest

RSVP and Pay:


12md Registration, lunch, networking
12md: Photos

12.45 pm Local Government Act and Elections: Sandy Boulter

1.30 pm Campaigning: Cr D. Kingston presented by Cr J. Raftis

2.00 pm Flyers & Preferential Voting: Cr John Raftis

2.15 pm Election Lessons: Cr Shaye Mack

2.45 pm Local Government Elections:

  • WA Electoral Commissioner: Robert Kennedy
  • Deputy WA Electoral Commissioner: Courtney Barron

3.30 3.50 pm Panel and Close

You can download the full agenda and location details here.

Legislation WA (Laws)

Legislation WA (Laws)

The LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 (WA) is an example of an Act of the WA Parliament, which establishes local government throughout Western Australia. It contains the law (binding rules) of how local government operates, including the role and conduct of Councils, Councillors and employees (including the CEO).

See here about the difference between law and policy. Continue reading


See here for the difference between law and policy.

Department of Local Government Sport & Cultural Industry (DLGSC) Policies

DLGSC 39 Local Government Policies see here.

Key words: “open space” – “CEO appointment” – “Dogs” –“ burials” –“land valuations” – “council motion clarity” – “council forums” – “declaring interest” –“delegation” – “ financial interest” –“ disruptive behaviour” – “elected member induction” –“ elected members and developers” –“ financial ratios” –“ guide to planning” –“ changing boundaries” –“ lawyers / legal advice for elected members” – “ local laws” –“public question time” – “net current assets” –“ differential rates” –“ rating policies” –“ credit cards” –“ grants commission” Continue reading