Legislation WA (Laws)

Legislation WA (Laws)

The LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 (WA) is an example of an Act of the WA Parliament, which establishes local government throughout Western Australia. It contains the law (binding rules) of how local government operates, including the role and conduct of Councils, Councillors and employees (including the CEO).

See here about the difference between law and policy.

Explanatory Note

The text of WA laws – Acts and Subsidiary Legislation such as Regulations – can be found here.
A beginner’s guide to reading laws is here.
Some Frequently Asked Questions about WA laws are here.
A “Bill” is the document Parliament debates when deciding whether or not to adopt it as an Act.
You can follow the passage of Bills through WA Parliament here.


What is an Act of Parliament?

An Act of Parliament makes law. An Act can also authorise making subsidiary legislation, for example Regulations.
See here about the difference between law and policy.
Click here to see how to find current WA Acts of Parliament.

Subsidiary Legislation – Regulations

What is a Regulation?

A Regulation is always made under the authority of the Act to which it relates. A Regulation fills in the detail of an Act, where the detail might need to be changed more often than the Act itself, which takes much longer to change.

Twelve sets of Local Government Regulations made with the authority of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 fill in the details of local government law.

Click here to see how to find current regulations.

Subsidiary Legislation – Local Laws

Local Laws are binding laws made by a particular local government, which apply only to that local government’s district.
The text of all local government local laws can be found here.

Look at the local laws already in force before expending municipal fund resources. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Selectively use clauses from all of them, and make one appropriate for your local needs. Examine any local law or local law amendment proposed by your CEO against the existing local laws.

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